Career ladders are a video game problem, deviations in long term gains, is the economy worse than we think, when to shun the Roth conversion ladder, and are index funds a bubble?
FIRE Aggregator #1: 🎮🇺🇸😦💵🧋
Curated roundup of this week’s best articles from FIRE Aggregator: the homepage for those interested in the FIRE lifestyle.
“Financial Freedom is less about financials and more about freedom.” ― Manoj Arora
🎮 Progressquest your career
Ever feel like life's just a game you're grinding through? This article exposes how our world mimics ProgressQuest, a game that plays itself while we chase meaningless rewards. It asks: Are you an achiever trapped in the rat race, or can you become an explorer who breaks free?
🇺🇸 What’s the Worst Long-Term Return For U.S. Stocks?
Does your retirement math actually adds up? A 30-something couple's simple question exposes a startling truth about long-term market returns. Discover why your 401(k) projections might be wildly off-base, and learn the one key insight that could save your retirement plan.
Michael Kitces drops truth bombs: Why top stocks mislead, and how your day job trumps market gains in the race to riches.
Thinking about accessing your retirement funds early? You might be overlooking a powerful option. While Roth conversion ladders get all the attention, SEPPs could be the secret weapon in your early retirement arsenal.
🧋 Are Index Funds in a bubble?
JL Collins looks at the rise of index investing, and asks could the tool designed to democratize investing end up breaking the market it was meant to mirror?